Published Healthcare Marketing Articles

Published Articles

Date: April, 2016
Article: Why Metrics Matter
Magazine: Acupuncture Today

Physicist William Thompson, better known as Lord Kelvin, introduced a new way to measure temperature in 1848. Although the existence of an “absolute zero” was widely accepted in the scientific circles of his time, Lord Kelvin was the first to calculate the mathematical formula for the scale that bears his name. Like most scientists, Lord Kelvin was a proponent of measurement and is credited with saying, “If you cannot measure it, you cannot improve it.” “Metrics” are defined as a way to measure something, or as the result gained from measurement. They can (and should) be gathered for a multitude of purposes in any business.

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Date: March, 2016
Article: Metrics Matter!
Magazine: DC Practice Insights

Physicist William Thompson, better known as Lord Kelvin, introduced a new way to measure temperature in 1848. Although the existence of an “absolute zero” was widely accepted in the scientific circles of his time, Lord Kelvin was the first to calculate the mathematical formula for the scale that bears his name. Like most scientists, Lord Kelvin was a proponent of measurement, and is credited with saying, “If you cannot measure it, you cannot improve it.”

“Metrics” are defined as a way to measure something or as the result gained from measurement. They can (and should) be gathered for a multitude of purposes in any business. Let’s discuss nine key metrics you should be using in your chiropractic practice.

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Date: March, 2016
Article: Time to Change Your Thinking
Magazine: Acupuncture Today

One of my favorite questions is: “If I talked to you the way you talk to you, would you like me?” The answer from most people is a resounding “NO!” Let’s face it. We all have voices in our heads.

Those voices can either cheer us on to greatness, or they can put us down and make us miserable. If you’re like the majority of people, your voices spend more time doing the latter than the former.

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Date: March, 2016
Article: Asking Your Clients the Right Questions
Magazine: Massage Today

When was the last time you asked a client a question? Maybe 30 seconds ago? But, are you asking the right questions to elicit valuable and useful information? As a healthcare provider, you’ve likely spent hundreds of hours learning to ask the right questions to gather critical health information from your clients. These questions allow you to deliver an accurate diagnosis, render appropriate care, and provide prompt referrals when necessary. Is that where your questioning ends? If so, you’re missing out on a valuable source of business information for your practice.

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Date: January, 2016
Article: Achieve Success by Changing Your Thinking
Magazine: Massage Today

One of my favorite questions is: “If I talked to you the way you talk to you…would you like me?” The answer from most people is a resounding “NO!” Let’s face it. We all have voices in our heads.

Those voices can either cheer us on to greatness, or they can put us down and make us miserable. If you’re like the majority of people, your voices spend more time doing the latter than the former.

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Date: January, 2016
Article: Ask (Your Patients) the Right Questions
Magazine: DC Practice Insights

When was the last time you asked a patient a question? Maybe 30 seconds ago? But are you asking the rightquestions to elicit valuable and useful information? As a health care provider, you’ve likely spent hundreds of hours learning to ask the right questions to gather critical health information from your patients. These questions allow you to deliver an accurate diagnosis, render appropriate care and provide prompt referrals when necessary. Is that where your questioning ends? If so, you’re missing out on a valuable source of business information for your practice!

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Date: December, 2015
Article: Change Your Stinkin' Thinkin'
Magazine: DC Practice Insights

One of my favorite questions is: “If I talked to you the way you talk to you, would you like me?” The answer from most people is a resounding “No!” Let’s face it, we all have voices in our heads. Those voices can either cheer us on to greatness or put us down and make us miserable. If you’re like the majority of people, your voices spend more time doing the latter than the former.

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Date: December, 2015
Article: Create Community and Grow Your Practice
Magazine: Acupuncture Today

Many healthcare providers are fortunate to enjoy the freedom and independence of owning their own businesses. However, the constant demands can lead to a lonely and isolating experience unless you make an effort to get out of your office.

Let’s discuss a few different ways you can create your own supportive community of like-minded practitioners which, in turn, can help build your practice.

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Date: November, 2015
Article: Who is Your Ideal Patient?
Magazine: DC Practice Insights

Operating a chiropractic practice requires you to think critically about many things including your equipment, techniques, documentation, financial goals, and the retention of patient and staff. These “hard” concepts and skills often demand much of your time and attention. As a result, less time is available to spend focusing on the mindset, energy and emotions behind your practice. In business literature, these softer concepts are referred to using the term strategic planning.

Strategic planning specifically refers to the purpose, mission, vision, values, goals and culture of your business. These intangibles create the very foundation of your practice, and should be given as much attention as the hard concepts and skills. But it doesn’t stop there: Strategic planning also should include a crystal-clear, written description of your ideal patient.

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Date: November, 2015
Article: Create Community and Grow Your Practice
Magazine: Massage Today

Many healthcare providers are fortunate to enjoy the freedom and independence of owning their own businesses. However, the constant demands can lead to a lonely and isolating experience unless you make an effort to get out of your office.

Let’s discuss a few different ways you can create your own supportive community of like-minded practitioners which, in turn, can help build your practice.

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Date: October, 2015
Article: Create Community and Watch Your Practice Flourish
Magazine: DC Practice Insights

Many health care providers, chiropractors included, are fortunate to enjoy the freedom and independence of owning their own businesses. However, the constant demands can lead to a lonely and isolating experience unless you make an effort to get out of your office. Let’s discusses a few different ways you can create your own supportive community of like-minded practitioners which, in turn, can help build your practice.

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Date: October, 2015
Article: Build Patient Trust by Practicing With Authenticity
Magazine: Acupuncture Today

“Authenticity is the alignment of head, mouth, heart, and feet – thinking, saying, feeling, and doing the same thing – consistently. This builds trust, and followers love leaders they can trust.” – Lance Secretan

To extrapolate from the above quote, patients love healthcare providers they can trust. One way to earn the trust of your patients is by practicing with authenticity. What does that mean, exactly? An authentic person is one who is genuine and truthful in their interactions; one whose words and actions are congruent. Build your practice with authenticity and watch it flourish.

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Date: October, 2015
Article: Build Patient Trust by Practicing With Authenticity
Magazine: Massage Today

“Authenticity is the alignment of head, mouth, heart, and feet – thinking, saying, feeling, and doing the same thing – consistently. This builds trust, and followers love leaders they can trust.” – Lance Secretan

To extrapolate from the above quote, patients love healthcare providers they can trust. One way to earn the trust of your patients is by practicing with authenticity. What does that mean, exactly? An authentic person is one who is genuine and truthful in their interactions; one whose words and actions are congruent. Build your practice with authenticity and watch it flourish.

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Date: August, 2015
Article: Marketing with a Microphone
Magazine: Massage Today

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Date: August, 2015
Article: Build Patient Trust by Practicing With Authenticity
Magazine: DC Practice Insights

Authenticity is the alignment of head, mouth, heart, and feet – thinking, saying, feeling, and doing the same thing – consistently. This builds trust, and followers love leaders they can trust. – Lance Secretan

To extrapolate from the above quote, patients love health care providers they can trust. One way to earn the trust of your patients is by practicing with authenticity. What does that mean, exactly? An authentic person is one who is genuine and truthful in every interaction; one whose words and actions are congruent. Build your practice with authenticity and watch it flourish!

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Date: July, 2015
Article: "Marketing with a Microphone"
Magazine: Acupunture Today

When given an option, it stands to reason that people prefer to do business with those they know, like, and trust. However in today’s world – where your patients can exhaustively research their condition, diagnosis, treatment options, and treatment providers – they may have formed their opinion of you before you’ve even met. If that’s the case, how can you help people get to know, like, and trust you – before they meet you – in order for them to want to become a patient in your practice?

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Date: June, 2015
Article: Marketing with a Microphone
Magazine: DC Practice Insights

When given an option, it stands to reason that people prefer to do business with those they know, like and trust. However, in today’s world – where your patients can exhaustively research their condition, diagnosis, treatment options and treatment providers – they may have formed their opinion of you before you’ve even met. If that’s the case, how can you help people get to know, like and trust you – before they meet you – in order for them to want to become patients in your practice?

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Date: May 22, 2015
Article: Lines of Communication
Magazine: Chiropractic Economics

In school you were taught to actively listen to the patient, to use understandable language, to maintain appropriate eye contact, to be clear, confident, and direct, to allow ample time for questions, and so on. That’s valuable information and it promotes interpersonal communication in any context.

Now it’s time to dig a little deeper and look at improving patient communication systems.

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Date: May, 2015
Article: “5 Simple Steps to Creating an Effective Marketing Calendar.”
Magazine: Massage Today

In the educational experience of most healthcare practitioners, business and marketing are overlooked topics. Therefore, when you graduate with your certificate, degree, or diploma, you may be very skilled in your chosen discipline, but feel ill-equipped to run and market your healthcare practice. Remember, your practice is a business and must be treated as such in order to flourish.

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Date: May, 2015
Article: “5 Simple Steps to Creating an Effective Marketing Calendar.”
Magazine: Acupuncture Today

In the educational experience of most healthcare practitioners, business and marketing are overlooked topics. Therefore, when you graduate with your certificate, degree, or diploma, you may be very skilled in your chosen discipline, but feel ill-equipped to run and market your healthcare practice.

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Date: April, 2015
Article: “5 Simple Steps to Creating an Effective Marketing Calendar.”
Magazine: DC Practice Insights

In the educational experience of most health care practitioners, business and marketing are overlooked topics. Therefore, when you graduate with your certificate, degree or diploma, you may be very skilled in your chosen discipline, but feel ill-equipped to run and market your health care practice. Remember, your practice is a business and must be treated as such in order to flourish.

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Date: March 30, 2015
Article: “5 Steps to Marketing Magic.”
Magazine: Chiropractic Economics

Like most business owners, you want your practice to grow and prosper in the years to come. But with all the available options to help you market your business, it can be overwhelmingly difficult to choose from among them.

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