Q&A’s about Community Connections!
- I’m not a chiropractor. Does the information in this book apply to me?
Absolutely! Community Connections! was written with a broad healthcare audience in mind. There are tips and examples for practitioners of many healthcare disciplines, including: Chiropractors, medical doctors, dentists, veterinarians, acupuncturists, massage therapists, physical therapists, naturopaths, homeopaths, energy workers, and mental health practitioners are just a sampling of those who may benefit from reading Community Connections!
- I’m already in private practice, why should I read this book?
No matter how long you’ve been in practice, it’s never too late to implement new ideas. Oftentimes the longer a provider has been in practice, the more stagnant their marketing becomes. (Let’s face it – we become so busy seeing patients we don’t have the time or energy we once had). Community Connections! presents information clearly to produce maximum impact and save you time and energy.
- I’m still in school and not yet in practice. Why should I read this book?
Congratulations on your decision to pursue a career in the healing arts! If you’ve not yet graduated, this is the perfect time for you to read Community Connections! You can start to develop, practice, and hone your marketing techniques now so they’ll be in place when you start to build your private practice.
- Where did you get the idea to write Community Connections!?
When I graduated Chiropractic school in 2005, most healthcare educational facilities didn’t include much coursework on business or marketing. As a result, I (like many of my peers) graduated without the skills to create, run, and market my practice. Once in practice, I ran straight to the nearest bookstore and reviewed dozens of marketing books looking for information on how to legally and ethically build a private healthcare practice. To my chagrin, there were none. Instead, I had to look at marketing techniques and events for other professions and try to modify them to be appropriate for my practice. I also spent many hours learning what other providers did to market their practices. It took an enormous amount of time and energy, and the wealth of information has been summarized for you in Community Connections!.
- In the changing landscape of healthcare, why do healthcare providers need to market their practices?
There are several reasons why healthcare providers need to market their practices in today’s environment. First, much of healthcare is now consumer-driven, meaning that the consumers are researching and selecting their providers today more than ever before. If they don’t know about you, they can’t choose you. Second, as the face of health insurance continues to change, we can no longer rely on groups of potential patients who’re willing to enter our practice simply because we’re “in their network.” We must proactively seek out and educate potential clients. Community Connections! helps you do just that!
- What types of healthcare professionals could benefit from reading this book?
Community Connections! was written with a broad healthcare audience in mind. There are tips and examples for practitioners of many healthcare disciplines, including: Chiropractors, medical doctors, dentists, veterinarians, acupuncturists, massage therapists, physical therapists, naturopaths, homeopaths, energy workers, and mental health practitioners are just a sampling of those who may benefit from reading Community Connections!.
- What does the title, Community Connections, mean?
“Community connections” is my phrase to indicate the concept of external marketing – activities done outside of your office to promote your practice. Simply put, the best way to build a successful private healthcare practice is to become involved in the local community, build relationships, and leverage those relationships to the benefit of all involved. In other words, connect with your community, and allow those community connections to help you build the practice and community of your dreams.
- What’s the single biggest marketing mistake a healthcare practitioner can make?
In my opinion, the single biggest marketing mistake a healthcare practitioner can make is to sit back and do nothing. New patients won’t fall from the sky. Your community can’t embrace you if you never interact with it. Community Connections! provides several suggestions to get you started!
- Do you plan to publish any more books?
Yes! Creative activities and events are constantly being developed by practitioners. Keep an eye out for my second book (available soon) entitled Practice Excellence! An Integrated Approach to Creating a World-Class Healthcare Practice. This book picks up where Community Connections! left off and explores the interrelationship of practice management concepts, community connections, and internal marketing. Significant focus is on activities and events that can be done inside your office to promote your practice.